Wall to Wall: The Home Painting Experts in Charlottesville, Virginia.
When painting the interior or exterior of your home, our meticulous preparation process ensures that we protect your landscaping and interior furnishings while using premium paints and stains from renowned brands like Milesi, Benjamin Moore, Sherwin Williams, and Farrow & Ball. Committed to customer satisfaction, we prioritize delivering exceptional results throughout the entire painting experience. A & T will also abide by any special arrangements requested by the customer such as moving expensive, delicate heirlooms.
We stand behind everything we do. When we have completed the painting or refinishing project, we do a complete "walk thru" with the customer and will correct anything that does not meet their satisfaction.
​A & T painters will also abide by any special arrangements requested by the customer such as moving expensive, delicate heirlooms and covering or moving furniture or other items in the perimeter of the project.
This painting sequence—starting with trim, then ceilings, and finally walls—ensures
a clean and professional finish
All house painting projects are unique, so the time needed to complete them varies. We will give you an estimated completion date when you receive an estimate. As with all the refinishing and painting that we do, we promise you excellent and professional customer service and reliability.
A & T Cabinet and Interior/Exterior Painting Refinishing serves Charlottesville, Nelson County, Albemarle County, Madison County, Green County, Central Virginia and the surrounding area.